Eurosun Healthcare Clinic

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Калькулятор Услуг

Наш уникальный онлайн-калькулятор поможет вам рассчитать предварительную стоимость лечения. Просто выберите интересующие вас услуги из представленного списка, и система автоматически подсчитает общую стоимость.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy at Eurosun Healthcare clinic

Ozone therapy is a treatment method that relies on the use of ozone. Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent and has many beneficial properties such as immune boosting, improved circulation, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Services provided in the ozone therapy department at Eurosun Healthcare:

Ozone therapy is a safe and effective alternative to many other treatments. It can be used to treat many diseases as well as prevent many diseases.

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