Eurosun Healthcare Clinic

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Калькулятор Услуг

Наш уникальный онлайн-калькулятор поможет вам рассчитать предварительную стоимость лечения. Просто выберите интересующие вас услуги из представленного списка, и система автоматически подсчитает общую стоимость.

Inpatient care at Eurosun Healthcare

We are pleased to inform you about the possibility of inpatient treatment in our EUROSUN Healthcare clinic! Our center provides a full range of medical services, including the performance of surgical procedures and the option to stay in the clinic for the duration of treatment.

Our benefits:

Comfortable rooms: All rooms are equipped with modern medical equipment, which ensures a high level of comfort and safety.

Meals: We offer free 4 meals a day of specialized meals tailored to the needs of our patients.

Medications: A certain amount of necessary medication is included in the cost of the stay.

Access to doctors: You can contact your doctor at any time.

✅ Ozone therapy: The ozone therapy service is provided free of charge as part of inpatient treatment.

We also offer additional services to maximize the convenience and effectiveness of treatment

Cost of stay: The cost of one day of inpatient treatment in EUROSUN Healthcare is 700,000 soums.

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